· 年會亮點
台灣昆蟲年會首次全程採用視訊方式舉行。開、閉幕以及專題演講,將透過YouTube及Facebook直播,會後,專題演講的影片將從直播平台中移除,僅保留開幕及閉幕影片;而論文宣讀、海報發表、工作坊及活動場次,將採Google Meet分組進行。本次會議無實體場地及部分服務,因此大會決定酌降報名費,並且準備了具收藏價值的實用紀念品,期待與大家線上相見,期待透過年會互動、學習,持續加強國內外學術交流的能量。
論文摘要投稿截止日期為9月14日(星期二23:59止) 學生宣讀/海報比賽依主題進行,每組參賽者均有機會獲得優勝獎金5,000/3,000元。
The title for this year’s annual meeting of the Taiwan Entomological Society is “To live or die – Entomology in a changing climate”, addressing an emerging issue in recent years. Since agricultural insects are essential in maintaining a balanced ecosystem, biodiversity, and steady supply of food crops, this meeting will focus on the effects of changing climate on insects. The meeting will feature four renowned keynote speakers who will discuss in depth the recent effects of fast-changing climate on agricultural insects and insects sensitive to climate change, and shifts in insect populations. A workshop will be set up where the invited scholars will discuss climate change in Taiwan and the current situation and future prospects of entomological research. Two scholars specialized in agricultural entomology will share their research and experiences in agricultural pest control during the closing ceremony.
A job fair will be set up during this year’s annual meeting where representatives from several companies will introduce their career programs and open positions for job seekers. Students are encouraged to take this opportunity to expand their career path. Prof. Shen-Horn Yen will host an evening event in which he will share his experience in school and research.
This year’s annual meeting of the Taiwan Entomological Society will be held virtually. Keynote speeches will be live streamed online via YouTube and Facebook channels; all videos except those of the opening and closing ceremonies will be removed after conclusion of the meeting. Oral presentations, poster presentations and workshops will be conducted via Google Meet. The online conference allows a discount on the registration fee, and every participant will receive a small souvenir. We are looking forward to seeing all of you online for an intriguing discussion on a wide variety topics on entomology and beyond!
The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Entomological Society, online conference.
Date: Oct. 23–24, 2021
Deadline for registration: Oct. 19th (Tuesday, 23:59)
Deadline for abstract submission: September 14th (Sunday, 23:59). Abstracts will be grouped according to their topics, the best presentations in each section will win a prize of 5,000/3,000 NTD.
· 專題演講講者介紹 Introduction of the keynote speakers
Dr. Chow-Yang Lee
Dr. Chow-Yang Lee 為加州大學河濱分校(University of California, Riverside, USA)的都市昆蟲學講座教授。他的研究專長為都市害蟲的行為、生態、生理適應,以及這些適應如何幫助害蟲在都市環境蓬勃發展。他至今一共發表近200篇期刊論文、14篇書章節、42篇會議論文、4本專書、6本合著書籍,共指導15位博士生及30位碩士生。Dr. Lee曾獲許多國際或國家級獎項,包括2012馬來西亞頂尖研究科學家、2008馬來西亞十大傑出青年獎、2002傅爾布萊特獎學金、2000全國青年科學家獎等。近期著有新書Biology and Management of the German Cockroach(與Dr. Changlu Wang、Dr. Mike Rust 共同主編)與Advances in the Biology and Management of Modern Bed Bugs (2018年出版)。Dr. Lee也曾任兩屆環太平洋白蟻研究學群(Pacific-Rim Termite Research Group)主席(2012-2016)。
專題演講主題:Climate change impact on insect pests in the urban environment
莊汶博博士 Dr. Wen-Po Chuang
莊汶博博士於2012年自美國賓州州立大學(The Pennsylvania State University)獲得農藝學博士學位,2014年起任教於國立臺灣大學農藝學系,目前擔任副教授。莊教授的研究專長為寄主植物抗性、植物與昆蟲之間的交互作用以及氣候變遷對植物與昆蟲間關係的影響,研究成果發表於國際期刊如Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions、Pest Management Science、Journal of Economic Entomology 等。莊教授同時也擔任台大進修推廣學院講師、台大農業推廣委員會講師、美國昆蟲學會國際分會獎獎項委員會成員(2017至今)、中華民國雜草學會副秘書長(2017-2018)。
專題演講主題:Host plant resistance in rice: new discovery and climate change impact
吳立心博士 Dr. Li-Hsin Wu
吳立心博士於2016年自澳洲墨爾本大學(The University of Melbourne)獲得博士學位,現於屏東科技大學植物醫學系擔任助理教授。吳博士的專業包含應用昆蟲生態學、蟲害綜合管理、氣候變遷與適應、物種預測模型,主要研究項目有昆蟲生態學之應用、氣候變遷與極端氣候適應、物種預測模型之應用以及沃爾巴克氏體Wolbachia感染昆蟲之生態意義。
Dr. Louise Ashton
Dr. Louise Ashton現任香港大學(University of Hong Kong)的助理教授,她的研究專長為熱帶雨林生態學與生物多樣性、昆蟲在生態系中扮演的角色以及生態系因應氣候變遷所產生的改變,主要研究類群包含白蟻、螞蟻與蛾類,有多篇重要的研究成果探討無脊椎動物對生態系的影響,其中包括2019年發表於Science上探討白蟻減緩乾旱對熱帶雨林的衝擊等。Dr. Ashton於澳洲葛瑞菲斯大學(Griffith University)獲得博士學位,並且曾榮獲2008葛瑞菲斯大學學術卓越獎(Griffith University Award for Academic Excellence)、2020葛瑞菲斯大學傑出青年校友(Griffith University Outstanding Young Alumnus (Science))、2020香港大學研究成果獎(University of Hong Kong Research Output Prize)、2021中國國家自然科學基金委員會傑出青年科學家獎(NSFC Excellent Young Scientist Award)。Dr. Ashton同時也擔任捷克科學基金會(Czech Science Foundation)的計畫經費審查委員以及期刊Biodiversity and Conservation的副主編。
專題演講主題:Insects in the Anthropocene – how insects can help us understand our changing world
路光暉博士 Dr. Kuang-Hui Lu
唐立正博士 Dr. Li-Cheng Tang
· 議程大綱 Program at a glance
10月23日 Oct. 23th |
時間/地點 |
Room 1 |
Room 2 |
Room 3 |
Room 4 |
09:00-09:10 |
開幕直播 Opening Ceremony-LIVE |
09:10-10:10 |
Keynote-LIVE: Climate change impact on insect pests in the urban environment 加州大學河濱分校 Dr. Chow-Yang Lee University of California, Riverside/ Dr. Chow-Yang Lee |
10:10-11:10 |
Keynote-LIVE: Host plant resistance in rice: new discovery and climate change impact 臺灣大學 莊汶博博士 National Taiwan University/Dr. Wen-Po Chuang |
11:10-11:20 |
換場 Prep time |
生物多樣性、族群與群聚生態學 Biodiversity, Population and Community Ecology |
系統分類、族群遺傳、演化 Systematics, Population Genetics and Evolution |
行為、生理、個體生物學 Ethology, Physiology and Organismic Biology |
農業昆蟲學 Agricultural Entomology |
11:20-12:20 |
OB01-04 |
OS01-03 |
OE01-04 |
OA01-04 |
12:20-13:40 |
休息用餐 Lunch/12:25-13:00 會員大會 |
13:40-15:10 |
OB05-10 |
OS04-9 |
OE05-10 |
OA05-10 |
15:10-15:25 |
換場 Prep time |
15:25-16:20 |
蝴蝶紅皮書工作坊 Workshop on IUCN Red List |
職涯發展與企業分享 Career Development and Product Sharing 中西化學工業(股)公司 |
農業昆蟲學 Agricultural Entomology OA11-13 |
農業昆蟲學 Agricultural Entomology OA14-16 |
16:20-16:30 |
換場 Prep time |
16:30-17:30 |
Keynote-LIVE: 極端氣候影響天敵寄主與其共生物間的互動與適應 屏東科技大學 吳立心博士 National Pingtung University of Science and Technology/ Dr. Li-Hsin Wu |
17:30-19:00 |
用餐 Dinner |
19:00-20:00 |
與學生對談:學術傾向與面對未來的焦慮(主持人:顏聖紘老師) |
10月24日 Oct. 24 |
時間/地點 |
Room 1 |
Room 2 |
Room 3 |
Room 4 |
9:00-10:00 |
Keynote-LIVE: Insects in the Anthropocene – how insects can help us understand our changing world 香港大學 Dr. Louise Ashton The University of Hong Kong/ Dr. Louise Ashton |
10:00-10:10 |
換場 Prep time |
氣候變遷專題 Climate Change Symposium |
海外昆蟲學者 Taiwanese Entomologists overseas |
行為、生理、個體生物學 Ethology, Physiology and Organismic Biology |
醫學昆蟲學/都市昆蟲學 Medical Entomology/Urban Entomology |
10:10-11:55 |
Oversea_01-06 |
OE11-17 |
OM01-06 |
11:55-13:10 |
休息用餐 Lunch |
13:10-14:30 |
海報時間 Poster session |
14:30-14:40 |
換場 Prep time |
14:40-15:40 |
Keynote-LIVE: 輻射照射在植物檢疫上的應用與安全性 中興大學 路光暉博士 National Chung Hsing University/ Dr. Kuang-Hui Lu |
15:40-16:40 |
Keynote-LIVE: 植醫甘苦談 中興大學 唐立正博士 National Chung Hsing University/ Dr.Li-Cheng Tang |
16:40-17:30 |
閉幕暨頒獎典禮/抽獎 Closing Ceremony/ Raffle |
· 報名須知
1. 線上報名截止時間:即日起至2021年10月19日(星期二23:59)止。
2. 摘要投稿截止時間:即日起至2021年9月14日(星期二23:59)止。
3. 報名暨投稿網址:
4. 報名費:
票種 |
票價 |
學生票 |
200元 |
會員票 |
400元 |
一般票(非會員、非學生) |
500元 |
5. 報名繳費完成後,可於線上自行列印繳費收據,以供報帳證明使用。
6. 學會將於10月20日下午4點以前,e-mail寄送測試信到報名者信箱,請留意收信。如未收到信件或有任何問題,敬請於10月22日以前來信確認。
7. 文件寄送:會議文件、紀念品、獎狀等,將於會後寄送。參賽證明將於會後以電子檔e-mail發送。
A. Deadline for registration: Oct. 19th (Tuesday, 23:59)
B. Deadline for abstract submission: September 14th (Tuesday, 23:59)
C. Online registration and abstract submission website: https://entsoc.org.tw/conferences-and-activities/conferences/2021_annual_meeting
D. Registration Fee:
After completing payment, you can print out the receipt online for reimbursement.
Ticket Type |
Fare |
Student |
200 TWD |
TES Member |
400 TWD |
Regular (Non-member, non-student) |
500 TWD |
E. After completing payment, you can print out the receipt online for reimbursement.
F. A confirmation letter will be sent out by 4pm, October 20 via email. Please contact us via email by October 22 if you do not receive a confirmation letter.
A package, including the meeting program, souvenir and award prizes will be posted after the meeting. Certificate of participation will be sent via email.
· 投稿須知
1. 您必須先完成報名註冊並繳費成功才能投稿摘要。如果您選擇使用便利超商繳費,須等待2-3天的作業時間,待系統確認繳費入帳才可投稿。若報名時間接近投稿截止日,請勿使用超商繳費,以免影響投稿權益。
2. 摘要一律透過台灣昆蟲學會線上報名系統繳交。透過紙本或者e-mail寄送摘要者將不予採用。
3. 摘要繳交截止期限為2021年9月14日(台灣標準時間23:59),截止日前,開放摘要上傳及修改。投稿系統將於截止後自動關閉。
4. 請遵照投稿頁面上的說明與提示撰寫您的摘要並填入各欄位。投稿系統已做格式設定,大會不另行提供摘要範例。提交摘要時,須指定報告形式為論文宣讀或海報發表,但本會保留採用與否的最終決定權。投稿系統以繳交一篇摘要為限;如您有投稿一篇以上摘要的需求,須轉為海報發表,請依格式email來信投稿(格式範本下載連結)。每位發表者,無論投稿篇數多寡,參與競賽以一篇為限。投稿截止日同為9月14日(台灣標準時間23:59)。本會保留採用與否的最終決定權。
5. 年會接受以中文或英文投稿,摘要全篇分兩段,請在投稿系統上的欄位中分別填入兩段摘要內容,第一段為背景/研究問題/材料方法,第二段為結果/結論/應用啟示。中文字數在500字以內,英文字數在300字以內。
6. 報告者將被視為通訊作者,須為所提交的摘要負擔全部責任。
7. 摘要一經確認提交,提交者和報告者都會收到系統寄發的確認信及提交資料檢視圖檔。學會最遲將於10月初時,另以e-mail通知摘要是否被接受。
8. 敬請盡早繳交摘要。
9. 會議前,大會將e-mail寄發大會摘要手冊集的電子檔連結,供免費下載;紙本印刷的手冊請另行加購。
宣讀方式:每位報告者的演講時間為 12 分鐘,問答時間3分鐘。
研究內容 40%:背景介紹、材料與方法、研究成果之探討。
演講技巧 30%:台風、表達之清晰與流暢度、時間掌握、問題回答。
簡報設計 30%:內容編排、 圖表設計、整體呈現。
各主題依投稿人數決定頒獎數目,例如,六位參賽者選出優勝一名 (頒發獎金5,000元及獎狀)、佳作一名(頒發獎狀)。學會保留調整權力。年會閉幕典禮頒發獎項,並於學會網頁、粉絲頁及學會通訊公告。
1. 本屆年會採用視訊會議舉行,無實體海報展出。請製作適合於電腦畫面呈現之一頁簡報,並於10月18日(23點59分)前將PDF檔上傳至大會指定之雲端連結。
2. 您可選擇錄製一段3分鐘影片(非必要),以上述一頁簡報發表。須於10月18日(23點59分)前將mp4檔案上傳至大會雲端資料夾。大會彙整影片後,將於年會海報場次時段開放與會者瀏覽權限。
3. 您可以自行開通一Google Meet會議室(非必要),於年會海報場次期間,由您上線向對您的海報主題有興趣的與會者報告和問答,會議室由您自行主持、控管流程及加入人員。會議開始時間請設定為海報場次時間。
4. 大會將於9月16日(四)寄發Google表單予所有海報發表者,有意願於年會開設視訊會議室者,請於10月19日(23點59分)以前提交您所預設之Google Meet 連結,以利後續公告。
1. 本屆年會採用視訊會議舉行,無實體海報展出。請製作適合於電腦畫面呈現之一頁簡報,並於10月18日(23點59分)前將PDF檔上傳至大會指定之雲端連結。
2. 須錄製一段3分鐘影片,以上述一頁簡報發表。於10月18日(23點59分)前將mp4檔案上傳至大會雲端資料夾。大會彙整影片後,將於年會海報場次時段開放與會者瀏覽權限,並提供評審委員作為評分依據。
3. 您可以自行開通一Google Meet會議室(非必要),於年會海報場次期間,由您上線向對您的海報主題有興趣的與會者報告和問答,會議室由您自行主持、控管流程及加入人員,評審委員將視情況加入會議室。會議開始時間請設定為海報場次時間。
4. 大會將於9月16日(四)寄發Google表單予所有海報發表者,有意願於年會開設線上會議室者,請於10月19日(23點59分)以前提交自行預設之Google Meet 連結,以利後續公告。
海報發表 (不參加競賽) |
海報競賽 |
繳交期限 |
備註 |
製作一頁簡報 |
V |
V |
10月18日(23點59分)前上傳PDF檔。 |
自行設定適合電腦螢幕呈現之一頁簡報。 |
錄製3分鐘影片 |
O |
V |
10月18日(23點59分)前上傳mp4檔。 |
影片為評分主要依據。 |
自行開設Google Meet會議 |
O |
O |
9月16日寄發會議連結調查表單,請於10月19日(23點59分)以前提交Google Meet 連結。 |
評審委員將視情況加入會議QA。 |
V:必要 O:非必要選項 |
研究內容 40%:背景介紹、材料與方法、研究成果之探討。
海報展示 30%:內容編排、圖表設計、整體呈現。
現場解說 30%:對研究主題之掌握程度及回答問題。
各主題依投稿人數決定頒獎數目,例如,六位參賽者選出優勝一名 (頒發獎金3,000元及獎狀)、佳作一名(頒發獎狀)。學會保留調整權力。年會閉幕典禮頒發獎項,並於學會網頁、粉絲頁及學會通訊公告。
Abstract Submission
Before submitting your abstract, please read the submission instructions below.
1. You can submit your abstracts only after you have registered and paid the registration fee. Please note that it may take 2–3 days to process if you pay in a convenience store.
2. Abstracts must be submitted online via the TES website only. Abstracts submitted on paper or by e-mail attachment will not be considered.
3. The deadline for submission of abstracts is September 14, 2021 at 23:59 TST. The submission system will be closed after the deadline.
4. Please follow the instructions to send your abstracts via the submission system. The preference for oral or poster presentation should be indicated, but the final decision will be made by the meeting committee. Each participant can only submit one abstract; but further submitted abstracts might be accepted as poster presentations. Please prepare the abstract following the instructions in the link and send it via email. Only one presentation can participate in the competition. <Download the instructions>
5. Abstract in Chinese or English is accepted. The whole article is divided into two sections, please fill in the text input field respectively. The total number of characters should be less than 500 Chinese characters or 300 English words. The text of the abstract should be divided into two sections, the first one should be the Background/Question/Methods, and the second one should be the Results/Conclusions/Applications.
6. The presenting author will be regarded as the corresponding author. He will take full responsibility for the accuracy of the submitted abstract.
7. Once successfully submitted, the submitting person and the presenting author will receive an email confirmation with an abstract ID. He will also be notified via another email about whether the abstract has been accepted before early October.
8. An early submission of abstracts is encouraged.
9. Prior to the meeting the organizing committee will send a link to the participants for downloading the digital proceedings volume. A hard copy of the volume will be delivered after the meeting.
Oral presentation and competition guidelines
Please submit your abstract before the deadline (September 14th). The committee will select abstracts for oral presentation, the remaining abstracts will be presented as posters.
Competition guidelines:
Application: when submitting your abstract, please indicate whether you wish to participate the competition of best talks by using the checkbox
Eligibility: undergraduate and graduate students
Length of presentation: 12 minutes for presentation, 3 minutes for Q&A
Scoring criteria:
Research content (40%): background information, materials and methods, results and discussion
Presentation skills (30%): performance, clarity and fluency, timing, Q&A
Power point content (30%): structure, data organization, overall quality of presentation
The prizes awarded will be determined in accordance with the number of contestants in each topic. For example, a winner (5,000 NTD and a certificate of merit) and a runner-up (a certificate of merit) will be selected from 6 contestants. The Society reserves the right for adjustment. Awards will be presented at the closing ceremony, an announcement will be posted on the website and published in the communication bulletin.
-Links to join the pre-meeting test and the official meeting will be sent via email.-
Poster presentation and competition guideline
Poster presentation:
Please submit your abstract before the deadline (September 14th). The committee will select abstracts for oral presentation, the remaining abstracts will be presented as posters.
Poster Preparation guideline:
1. Compile poster on a single PPT slide and convert it to a PDF file. Submit the PDF to the designated cloud box by October 18 (23:59).
2. Optional: upload a 3-minute video (mp4 file) briefly explaining the content of the poster to a designated cloud box by October 18 (23:59). The video will be available to participants during the poster session with limited access.
3. Optional: create a Google Meet event during your poster session to interact with participants who are interested in your research work. Please set the meeting time to match with your poster session.
4. A Google Form will be sent to participants of the poster session on September 16 (Thursday). In case you wish to start a Google Meet event during the poster session, please provide your Google Meet link by October 19 (23:59).
Competition guidelines:
Application: when submitting your abstract, please indicate whether you wish to participate the competition of best posters by using the checkbox
Eligibility: undergraduate and graduate students
1. Compile poster on a single PPT slide and convert it to a PDF file. Submit the PDF to the designated cloud box by October 18 (23:59).
2. Upload a 3-minute video (mp4 file) briefly explaining the content of the poster to a designated cloud box by October 18 (23:59). The video will be available to participants during the poster session with limited access.
3. Optional: create a Google Meet event during your poster session to interact with participants who are interested in your research work. Please set the meeting time to match with your poster session.
4. A Google Form will be sent to participants of the poster session on September 16 (Thursday). In case you wish to start a Google Meet event during the poster session, please provide your Google Meet link by October 19 (23:59).
Poster presentation |
Poster competition |
Deadline |
Note |
Single Slide |
V |
V |
Submit PDF File by Oct. 18 (23:59) |
Compile poster on a single slide |
3-minute video |
O |
V |
Submit mp4 File by Oct. 18 (23:59) |
Video is for judging committee’s reference |
Create your own Google Meet |
O |
O |
Apply your Google Meet link via Google Form by Oct. 19. |
The judging committee might enter your meeting for QA |
V:Required O:Optional |
Scoring criteria:
Research content (40%): background information, materials and methods, results and discussion
Poster content (30%): data organization, structure, overall presentation
Presentation skills (30%): familiarity with/understanding of the research topic, Q&A
The prizes awarded will be determined in accordance with the number of contestants in each topic. For example, a winner (5,000 NTD and a certificate of merit) and a runner-up (a certificate of merit) will be selected from 6 contestants. The Society reserves the right for adjustment. Awards will be presented at the closing ceremony, an announcement will be posted on the website and published in the communication bulletin.
完成報名繳費後,因個人因素需辦理退費者,敬請盡速來信提出申請(Email: entomosoci@gmail.com)。
- Others
Cancellation Policy
You may cancel your registration and request a partial refund by emailing entomosoci@gmail.com before Oct. 13.
Refunds and timeline:
1. You will receive full refund except a processing fee of 100TWD if you request before 9:00am, October 8.
2. You will receive a 50 percent refund if you request after 9:00am, October 8, but before 9:00am, October 20.
3. No refund will be issued after 9:00am Oct. 20.
4. The eligibility for a refund will be determined by the arrival time of the email request.
5. Eligible refunds will be processed within 20 working days after the meeting.
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