Edward Vargo 捐贈講座教授(美國德州農工大學都市暨結構昆蟲學捐贈講座教授 Endowed Chair in Urban and Structural Entomology at Texas A&M)
專題演講主題:剖析臺灣家白蟻在美國的入侵生物學史 Deciphering the invasion history of the Formosan subterranean termite in the U.S.
Edward Vargo博士目前擔任美國德州農工大學都市暨結構昆蟲學的捐贈講座教授。在加入德州農工大學之前,Vargo博士曾任教於北卡羅來納州立大學。他目前的研究重點是都市害蟲的族群遺傳學,研究對象主要包括白蟻、螞蟻和床蝨。Vargo博士迄今已經發表了超過 190 篇有關都市害蟲的科學論文,並在專業學術會議和研討會上發表了超過 250 場演講。為表彰他對昆蟲學領域的貢獻,Vargo博士於 2023 年當選為美國昆蟲學會會士。
Ed Vargo holds the Endowed Chair in Urban and Structural Entomology at Texas A&M. Before joining Texas A&M, Dr. Vargo was Professor at North Carolina State University. His present research focuses on the population genetics of urban pests, primarily termites, ants, and bed bugs. Dr. Vargo has published more than 190 scientific articles on urban pests and has given more than 250 talks at professional meetings and scientific conferences. In honor of his contributions to the field of entomology, Dr. Vargo was elected Fellow of the Entomological Society of America in 2023.
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