【Penn State Insect Biodiversity Center will support up to three fellowships for MSc or PhD students for 2020. 】

Submitted by keany on

此訊息由本會會友莊汶博老師提供,轉自美國賓州大學Christina M. Grozinger (cmg25@psu.edu)教授提供之獎學金資訊。
These fellowships will provide four semesters of support (salary, fringe, tuition). The Fellowships will be structured similarly to the Integrative Pollinator Ecology Fellowships (https://ento.psu.edu/pollinators/graduate-training-program), to support transdisciplinary training and research. Fellows must have two co-mentors whose expertise is from different disciplines. Co-mentors from different departments or Colleges are preferred; for example, research programs can span entomology, plant science, chemistry, engineering, economics, geography, climate science, sociology, communication science, or law. Because funding is provided by the Department of Entomology and College of Agricultural Sciences, Fellows and primary mentors must be housed within the College of Ag – but if you are in a different College and would like to convince your Dean to support this program, please let me know and I am happy to help!!

There will be an information session about this program on Monday, December 16 at 1 pm in MSC W201. If you have questions, or have an idea for a program but need a partnering co-mentor, please let me know and I can work with you to find someone!

If you have a prospective student you would like to nominate, please provide the information below (and in the attached form) and send it to me (Christina Grozinger, cmg25@psu.edu) by January 15, 2020 for review by the selection committee. New students recruited for graduate programs in 2020 are preferred.
