提醒與會者留意,10/20(六) 的報到時間是09.30-10.20,地點是成功大學生物科技教學大樓一樓。您可搭高鐵到台南站再轉乘沙崙線到台南火車站,或直接搭乘火車、大眾運輸工具到台南火車站,從後站散步至會場約需15分鐘。若您自己開車,東豐路與小東路停車格均方便停車。*若您確實有幼兒照顧需求,請於下週一(10/15)前與我們聯繫,我們盡力提供適當協助。
Dear participants of TES annual meeting :
The 39th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Entomological Society will be held October 20-21 in National Cheng Kung University in Tainan. Thank you for joining the meeting. So far, we have 435 registered participants. A total of 105 contributed abstracts (82 talks and 23 posters) will be presented in the coming meeting.
The proceeding of the annual meeting can be download here: https://reurl.cc/Md4yW
Registration will be open at 09.30 on Oct. 20. Please check our website for travel and venue information. https://entsoc.org.tw/en/conference/1/venue. *If you need child care assistance during the conference, please contact us before Oct. 15.
Plenary session will be held in auditorium 892S1. No food and drink is allowed here.
All speakers and oral abstract presenters must upload your file before the start of your session. The time allocated for contributed talk is 15 minutes, including 12- minute presentation and 3-minute discussion.
Please feel free to contact us for more information.
We look forward to seeing you next weekend!
Taiwan Entomological Society